Monday 8 September 2014

Council listen on Local Roads

Following consultations on the downgrading of the Bristol Rd though Bournbook the Council have undertaken to bring forward plans to complete the final stage of the Selly Oak New Road (SONR) in more or less its original form. They have also agreed not to reduce the speed limit on this section of the Bristol Rd until the SONR is complete.

In a separate measure they are also proposing speed bumps on Lodge Hill Rd, double yellow lines at the Junction of Lodge Hill Rd and Wellman Croft and additional bollard-islands on Gibbins Rd. Measures to improve safety on these roads are broadly welcomed and further consultation with residents is under way.

1 comment:

  1. Concerned that no speeds bumps have been installed in the vicinity of the school entrance, where one would have thought that would be the most appropriate place for traffic calming to be at its most optimum. Having been told it's for the safety of school children and siblings that attend St Mary's school.
