Saturday 12 July 2014

Draft Selly Oak Planning Document

The Draft Selly Oak Supplementary Planning Document which will replace the Selly Oak Local Action Plan. Consultation is under-way on this document which will make recommendations for the Sainbury’s Triangle, Bournbrook Recreation Ground and other sites in the Ward. It also contains a section on restraint with regard to houses in Multiple occupancy. You can see the proposals online at and can comment at There are consultation drop ins as follows:

-          Selly Wick Play Group, Raddlebarn Rd, Tue 15th July, 2-3:30
-          Bournbrook Varsity Medical Centre, Alton Rd, Thurs 24th July 9-11
-          Selly Oak Library, Bristol Rd, Sat 2 Aug, 11-1
-          Scout Hut, Gibbins Rd, Wed 6th Aug 5-8pm.

We hope to combine the session in the 6th with a public meeting to discuss the plan but will update on this later this month.

The formal consultation period end 17th Aug.